Sunday, December 18, 2016

Canoe Culture - A Series of Collaborative Workshops and Exhibitions Part II

The Canoe Culture project encouraged people to think more professionally about their work, as photos, artist statements and bios were required with each entry. It would also challenge members to try new ideas, techniques and styles.

I think that we all felt this was a difficult theme and most of us had a hard time thinking about what to make  (apart from canoes). I spent many months mulling over ideas, looking up historical facts and so for me it ended up being a very enriching experience. Often when I look out over the river, I try to imagine all those huge voyageur canoes battling head winds and waves as they paddle their furs to Montreal.

What the jury focused on was:
1. Works that are stylistically or thematically focused on the Canoe Culture themes of water transportation in northern Ontario and how stops along this ancient waterway shaped the communities of Deep River and North Bay.
2. Works that display technical acumen, and/or observation and original style.
3. Works that are important to the cultural discourse of the region.

 We were all allowed 4 entries and below are my four entries that were accepted.

My work for this exhibit was inspired by the Ottawa River, the fur trade and the design of the "made beaver" - the stretched beaver pelt dried on a wooden frame made by bending and lashing together branches into a circle.

Over 400 years have passed since the first Europeans traveled the Ottawa by canoe to North Bay, driven at first by a search for a route to China and then for furs, especially beaver pelts that were eventually felted into hats for European customers. For 200 years the stretched and dried beaver pelt - the "made beaver" - was the "currency" in trading with first nations inhabitants.

"One Made Beaver" -  Eva Gallagher, Deep River

Made Beaver Currency
         1 MB  =  1 brass kettle
                    = 20 fish hooks
                    = 2 1b of sugar
                    = 8 knives
                    = 20 flints
         2 MB  = 1 gallon brandy
         20 MB = 1 rifle
       Taking into account inflation the price of “one made beaver” in today’s’ dollars would be about $45.

As Deep River is home to Canada's nuclear pioneers, the Ottawa has seen the progression of ideas and knowledge from 10,000 years to the present - from hunter-gatherers that first came here after the retreat of the glaciers to today when scientists work with one of the most important discoveries know to man - nuclear fission.

"La Riviere Creuse - From Beavers of Atoms:" - Eva Gallagher, Deep River
Riviere creuse is French for deep river and it is what this part of the Ottawa River was called by the early travelers.)

"Portage" - Eva Gallagher, Deep River
(Didn't have back drop wide enough for picture.)
On the shores of the Ottawa one can find chewed off beaver sticks and stones, all beautifully weathered and I have incorporated them into another piece as a tribute to the voyageurs who risked their lives running the treacherous, rocky rapids to bring their beaver pelts to Montreal.
"Voyageur's Tribute" - Eva Gallagher, Deep River.
Stoneware with beaver-chewed stick, stone and leather cording.
This project really encouraged further collaboration between our two guilds and hopefully there will be more joint exhibits and workshops in the coming years.

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